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Hannah Gall

Hannah Gall is sharing resources and advice for a successful leadership journy 

Hannah Gall

Hannah Gall

Volunteer Program Director, Partnerships
Alain de Botton

Alain de Botton

.From love to travel to architecture, de Botton's school of thought on finding happiness and well-being can apply to just about anyone. His TED Talk's are also easy and funny to listen to.


Leadership Advice

While this advice may not be for everyone, for those like me who purposely abstain from many forms of social media, I recommend automating email newsletter feeds from your favorite, trusted sources. The type is personal and endless; so many publications offer this! I love Crain's Morning 10 for local NY government and business news during my commute, and the Atlantic's CityLab at lunch time. With so much information at our fingertips and being pushed every nanosecond, it can quickly become distracting and overwhelming. Opting for a curated set of articles from your preferred sources helps to cut through the bulk and focus on the most interesting and worthwhile stories


Milan Kundera

I enjoy reading Kundera when looking for something beyond the typical novel. Whether a short book (like "Slowness") or a longer one ("Unbearable Lightness of Being" or "Book of Laughter and Forgetting"), he marries a storytelling mix of sensational realism and abstract surrealism with deep philosophical themes like presence and memory to mull over and apply in everyday life.

About Hannah Gall

Hannah Gall is the Director of the Volunteer Program at Partnerships for Parks, a public-private joint program of City Parks Foundation and the NYC Parks Department. In this role, Hannah oversees service opportunities in parks as part of the It’s My Park program. Prior to Partnerships for Parks, Hannah held positions with City Parks Foundation, the Art & Antiquities Division of NYC Parks, and the Neighborhood Preservation Center. She also participated in summer programs with Preservation Volunteers and the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation during her undergraduate years. Hannah graduated from Fordham University with a Bachelor of Arts in Art History.

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